Geek-O-Rama will accept cancellation on any on-site or remote services we provide, as long as we have been notified 24-hours in advance and prior to the scheduled time, via phone or email.
We take great pride in making sure our home and business clients are happy and satisfied with our products and services. Though rare, there may be times where services are not completed to your satisfaction.
However, in order to qualify for the refund, a few requirements must be met prior to approval.
Computer & Networking Services
- We must be notified of your dissatisfaction within 14-days of completing an on-site or remote service
- We must first be allowed to attempt to resolve the issue(s) to your satisfaction
- A payment was processed, funded, and recorded (proof must be furnished via receipt or transaction id)
On occasion, if an issue simply cannot be resolved, a refund will be processed with no questions asked. We will then typically move forward with getting you in the right direction to find a proper solution to your issue(s).
Website Design & Development
We invest and dedicate countless hours into make sure that your website is created and works to your satisfaction. In fact, because website design and development is very specific and made-to-order, so it’s very rare that we are even asked for a refund. However, in the event that you are not satisfied with a website we’ve created, we will provide a full, no questions asked refund on the website development package you purchased (minus domain and hosting cost, logo and ad design costs, etc. if purchased) if we are notified of your dissatisfaction within 30 days of your website being completed.
To submit a refund request or if you have any questions, click here to contact us.